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Snow shoveling

Best Snow Shoveling Tips For Your Home.

October 12, 2023

When winter arrives, there’s nothing quite as picturesque as a blanket of freshly fallen snow. However, that serene scene can quickly turn into a homeowner’s nightmare if you’re unprepared for the task of removing that snow.

Shoveling snow is not only a strenuous activity but can also lead to injuries if not done correctly. To help you tackle the snow with confidence and safety in mind, here are some essential snow shoveling tips for homeowners:

  1. Dress Suitably: Before you step out to tackle the snow, make sure you’re dressed for the occasion. Wear warm, layered clothing to insulate your body against the cold, and don’t forget a waterproof jacket and pants (if needed). Don’t skimp on gloves, a hat, and a good pair of waterproof boots with proper traction to avoid slips and falls.
  1. Choose the Right Shovel: Selecting the right snow shovel can make a world of difference in your shoveling experience. Look for a shovel with an ergonomic handle to reduce strain on your back and arms. A lightweight, plastic shovel is often easier to handle than a heavy metal one. Additionally, consider the blade shape – a wider blade will allow you to clear more snow with each pass.
  1. Warm-Up and Stretch: It may seem trivial, but it’s essential. Prior to shoveling snow, warm up your muscles as you would before any physical activity. Gentle stretching exercises can help prevent strains and injuries. Focus on your back, shoulders, and legs to ensure they’re ready for the task ahead.
  1. Shovel Strategically: Shoveling requires proper technique! Begin by clearing a path in the middle of the area you want to shovel, working from the top down.

 Push the snow rather than lifting it whenever possible to reduce strain on your back. When lifting is necessary, bend your knees and lift with your legs rather than your back. Don’t forget to engage the core of your body to protect your back.

  1. Take Breaks: Snow shoveling can be physically demanding, so don’t overexert yourself. Take regular breaks to rest and hydrate, especially if you’re shoveling for an extended period. Listen to your body, and if you feel any signs of fatigue or discomfort, it’s time to take a break.
  1. Snow Removal Timing: Try to shovel snow shortly after it falls, especially if it’s light and fluffy. Fresh snow is simpler to move than partially melted snow, which can become heavy that is more challenging to clear.
  2. Use Salt or Sand: Once you’ve removed the snow, think about applying salt or sand to walkways and driveways. This helps melt ice and makes surfaces less slippery. This helps prevent slip-and-fall accidents on your property.
  1. Stay Safe: Lastly, always be mindful of your safety. Avoid shoveling in extreme cold or during heavy snowfall. Keep an eye out for ice patches and slippery areas.

 Before shoveling snow, talk to your doctor if you have health worries. Alternatively, you can hire a professional snow shoveling service to avoid any health issues.

Shoveling snow in winter can be tough, but by being careful and using the right methods, you can keep your property safe and usable all winter long. For more tips on how to take care of your property while you are away, read our blog page

Enjoy the winter wonderland, but shovel responsibly!